
eva-01 test type WIP

Man, take a loo at that… :grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:
Totally awesome…!!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Did u start with a basemesh on this legs? Or u plan to retopo again later?

well, here is a little weekend update, shoes!

and a very early “knife holder”???.. (I don`t know the exact name for this part)





My God, totally awesome… :eek:
Can’t wait to see more… :smiley:

I love it, its a mech, but you can still tell there’s an organic being underneath that metal. And i really like that you made the muscles visible in the arms. Did you do the hard surface stuff in another program or was it all sculpted in zbrush?

Amazing stuff. Very cool.

reminds me on apple seed biomechanic characters!
waiting to c more!

nice work !

Still not top row:qu:
I don’t understand. Great job you did there!Your EVA is frigging cool.

This gonna be top row, but when it will be finished for sure.

legs are just superb,
waiting for the final renders !

very nice…
really compelling work.


Really nice dude! Keep up the good work!

Sorry!, very long time without updates!, hard office work… I think.
well I finished the shoulders and knife holders, and I`m moving to posing and painting…

is looking very great, I love the way that you make the hard surfaces and the video is very nice… very good work:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

i love this character…its great !

cooooool shapes.looking forward to the complete model.

Amazing. The progression has been great to watch. Every decisin ou have made so far has been right on the money. Top row for sure when done!

I love the concept

Very good sculpting :cool:

this work is an excellent interpretation of evangelion! probably the best i’ve ever seen!!! fantastic work :+1:

Excellent work Dunkel. I love the detail.

The hands look a little bit small to me though. Hope you don’t mind me saying so.

very nice yes