
Desco Diving Helmet

heres a link to my turntable on youtube…


So I’ve started poly painting! I was looking online for a good tree shader that would match more of a driftwood look. No luck. So it seems I will be looking ofr a tut on how to modify matcaps to try and get the look I want. In hind site I would have poly painted while zbrushing (meshing?) the driftwood. This way I could have gotten darker paints in the crevices, and highlights on the riased areas. Still thinking about adding in the barnacles, maybe a little seaweed too. Also will need to paint the helmet, rihgt now its to perfect. Trying to paint in the glass on the masks as well, maybe i can find that matcap on Zbrush central…


super cool man:+1:

as for painting the crevices you can use the masking features
of the brushes (brush menue) or cavity masking or ambient
occlusion masking or combinations thereof.
Reading the documentation can be helpful also.

lots left to do…this is taking awhile …labor of love :slight_smile:

Looking real good, Ive always wanted to model one of these :wink:

Nice job Mr Pape! :+1:

We keep bumping into to each other! Thanks bud!

Coming to life! polypaint is lookin’ gooood :wink:

It can never be finished, but here it is as close as it will be I guess. I will probably work on it more, but changes will be more subtle, and no need to prolong the post. Thanks for all the feedback and love!

You should make an octopus or eel living in it.

This looks really cool! I would love to see this thing printed and place underwater; in some luck guys fish-tank or something! It would even make a nice illustration if you placed it in an underwater scene. :+1:

This is super slick, dude. Love it. :+1: