
Colin's Curiosity Corner.

Awesome texture/polypaint! Yeah… that nose… alien, yet vaguely familiar… can’t seem to put my finger on it :confused: . Great stuff!

thanx alot mudpusher :+1:
cheers Etcher :laughing:
heres another im playing with … corpse.jpg

hi all, here is an update on where my zombie is heading, just a test, but ive been having fun making gravestones ! hope you like !! grave yard 2.jpg

hi, ive changed a bunch of things as you can see, i prefer this final one though…
R.I.P zombie in grave.jpg

heres just a shot to show some detail, im about to start the paint job now… details.jpg

Nice work!
The second render looks much better for sure,
Nice details, i like the scar like a “necropse”,

Very awesome! You should up the resolution to get rid of that pixely edges :DD

thank you Fernando Kuhlmann, im glad you dig him…
thanks AustinUntitled, yes i agree… damn that pixely edge…
here is another go , i really like the idea of first seeing a zombie starting to sit up in the moonlight !! zombie time.jpg

ah noone likes my new go at the graveyard heh … fair enough !
heres another im playing with, i started him a while ago, but just added the body etc. retro alien.jpg

Hi Guys,
i havent posted here for a while, ive been playing with Maya, here is my 1st go at making a base head in Maya and exporting to zbrush ,quite broad so far. hope you like, crits most welcome.


very cool expressions, must be a very well organised topology
excellent work Col!

Thanx Martin, small steps !
sewing squares together, what fun…

just a little update on my lawyer character, just started having fun with the new render settings,
ttfn. test lawyer.jpg

Awesome man, congratulations!

This is great! More like this. Love it.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

thanks alot guys…
heres an early expt with my tinted 3d glasses, lots of fun…
anyone know how to isolate movement on an axis ? the model has too much play when ive tried so far ??
hope someone has the old red/blue glasses out there… :cool: 3d lawyer expt.jpg

I do :smiley:
That nose…

thanks Tyrone70, glad you had the glasses…
here is my final old guy, finally put him down, onto some new ones !!

Love what you’ve done with the old gentleman…That final version/vision is Hilarious.
It put a genuine :smiley: on my face and the face of my wife also…Great Job…:+1:

Thanx SpiritDreamer glad he made you smile !!