
Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilder

Your texuring is amazing. As everyone else has said it IS flawless.

:+1: Very good… do you have any tips for me i’m new to zbrush … it’s easier if you email me directly… thanks!

KROM!!! :grimacing:
You realise that at some stage you’ll HAVE to tell us how you did that amazing skin. Best 3D skin I’ve seen so far. Furthermore it’s great that you’re going to finish Arnold and we’ll get to see him in his muscular glory. Someone please model a minigun! :smiley:

His skin is rather flat color wise. I think you need a bit more color variation.

Stunning works Big guns! :+1:

I wonder why ur work isn’t in the Top Row already! :confused:

I’ll Be Backk!! :laughing:

very very cool, because many various poses and variants of movement

I’ve been following this model for a long time on DeathFall and its nice to see you back at it.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better with all the phenomenal rigging work (boy would I like to pick your brain on that one) it turns out youre an awesome texturer as well. I’m assuming thats MR Skin…

I’m guessing once you start work on the face, we will find that you’re also good at hair. And if not you’ll learn how to be

Keep it up. Amazing

Just like to say, this is by far one of the most detailed and accurate work i’ve seen in a long time. Any 3D work is hard to pull off well, but a figure thats so well known is that much harder.

Arnie is not my most fav person on the globe but whole heartedly top shelf work all the way…

The skin texture and close ups of chest etc just blew me away…

Well done…

Really nice work dude, i had saw ur post on 3dvf Wip 2 year ago on ur arnold modeling. Please finish him for the pleasure of my eye :roll_eyes:.

At the same time, try to talk to Jean-Christophe about this forum, he must post something … He’s a friend and I have heard that ur working with him at the limoilou college’s ( I hope i’m not wrong )…

Keep it up man ! :+1:

just amazing

Really a great work, amazing!
I have a very little coment BTW… itsn´t the navel a bit to high?
Very little, indeed. ;D


and WOW again :wink:

How do you create the fine skinbump detail, painting 2D maps in ZBrush with custom alpha’s? I suppose it’s not actually modelled in the mesh surface.

Awesome quality !

hey man is amazing you work, the texture is very real , i can touch , jejejeje, and the detail is very good , I will like look a wireframe for look you work man, conratulations, I am you fan

Mind blowing job here! Is that skin bump a procedural or an image map?

Fascinating Work. Its absolutetly looks like the young Arnold (Commando,
Terminator-Period). Its a bit too smooth though. But the Likeness is definitely


Putain comme ça bute avec la texture ! :grimacing:
On va dire que ça fait un moment que tu es dessus mais franchement ça vaut le coup !
Chapeau ! :+1:

post deleted.

If you check other people’s threads, you’ll notice that many models here are not exclusively done in ZBrush. It’s very common now for people to use several pieces of software to do the job. The recent article on ILM using ZBrush to create the great effects in Pirates 2, never implies that ZBrush was the only software used. ZBrush is one of the tools that was used to create Big guns great model of Arnold, and I think he can legitimately post it here with the rest of the great ZBrush work. And, that’s my opinion, but I also think, you’re entitled to yours.

This is such beautiful work. Your work is totally inspiring, the anatomy and geometry are perfect, and the likeness is astonishing…GOOD JOB

Arnold was such an inspiring individual too. I had his Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding (832 pages!) since I was a kid and always admired his INSANE physique. Huge bi’s, sweeping lats, he was a BEAST.

I would love to see your workflow for modeling the base topology, it is beautiful, please show!

Fist of, thank you all! I really appreciate your comment!

ZippZopp: I will adjust the bump at the end, but he is maybe a little bit to strong.

Sebcesoir: Hey you work for the same cie, but me it’s ubisoft Quebec. You can add me on your communicator if you want,so we can talk a little more. J’ai vu de tes travaux, c’est tres fort! A+

womball: Thank you, I will work more on the diffuse a little bit.

dokir: Yeah I know him, he surely know this website…:smiley: Thank you man.

FelixCat: Thank you. I know, but Arnold have the navel that higt.

tortilla1: The texture are paintied 2D maps in ZBrush with custom alpha.

KrakenCMT: There is no procedural.

xenoforge: For the smoothness, in fact it’s not smooth as he is now, it’s because I use for this render the modifier in max displcace and the meshsmooth is just a 3, so to have all the details I need to put it a 5.
But for final render, it will be render time displacement with mental ray.Thank you.

sumpm1: Thank you dude. He have a wire frame shot in the thread and yeah he has the best shape.

Webhead: I totally agree with you.There is some person weird on this planet… like Ashat… anyway…

Here are quick render just to see the difference between the before displacement and after and soon I will make some animation with displacement maps for the contractions of the muscle when it moves.




