oops. i’m a little late this week. time really flies when u HAVE to post every week. no wonder people keep sketchbooks. it really keeps you on your toes.
i guess to make up for it… will post a little more than usual today. so lets make it a HULK SMASH post. done a ton of hulks over the last few years. here’s a couple of the better ones.
ok… indie… this is a RULK by avinash hedge. not exactly hulk but hulk related. this was way way back. back when i had no idea what i was doing paintwise. Wow before Dr Root even. That would put it more than 2 years back.
industry print(s)…
planet hulk minibust for Randy. also a long time ago. 3d sculpted by Carlo Pagulayan wow… who seems to be a 2d comic artist in the phillipines. Didn’t realize that about him til I googled him just now.
painted prototype by Dan Cope (danno). this thing is probably sold out =(. oh well.
err… i painted one for fun that i keep on my desk to this day… its not as clean as Danno’s paint tho. haha hopefully Randy doesn’t mind. one of the perks of my job i guess.
i rarely paint anymore. it sucks. too busy putting out fires every day. =( Not implying anything about Obama by dressing him like that. just thought it was funny.
Okay and another for being late~
A Savage Hulk, by Khurram Alavi… also for Bowen Designs… this one is gonna be pretty hawt once Danno paints it and it hits the stores. Hulks always move fast =P get one before u have to ebay =P
thanks for looking. go zbrush!